Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Windows Service Error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.


While deploying Windows Service built with .Net, you may have encountered this issue.

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.


There is no description about the error appears anywhere, and you may have spent too much time in diagnosing this issue. Same happened to me, later I get it solved after searching a number of sites. Finally succeeded. So I decided to document the possible solutions:

1. DLLs Missing: 

Check if there is any dll file missing in the deployment. This is the most common mistake that the developers perform.

2. Service Logon Account: 

Check if the service running with Account has all the priviliges that are required to perform any operation. Open "View Local Services" then right click on your deployed service and take Properties. On "Log On" tab you will find the windows account which the service will be using to run. You can change the account credentials with privileged user to diagnose the problem.

3. Corrupt Installation or Corrupt files 

Files are corrupted required to run the service.

4. Network Related Issues:

There may be many other issues like Network configuration, Windows not updated,  required Version of .Net Framework is missing, Using Debug/Release build, Platform architecture mismatch, etc.

Hope you will get the solution from above solutions.

Happy Coding!

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